Saturday, August 04, 2007


Wife shook me about 7.30 AM, claiming that I had been given an extra hour to sleep.
After some slow moving, out of bed and so on, I was finally in the basement putting on my running shoes (wife, they are still too big).

Left the house sometime areond 8.00 AM and heading over the hills towards Sammamish River Trail. Plan was to do 14 miles in the morning hours. I actually felt pretty good/great, even considering I have not put in that long distance since the half-marathons of last summer.

I guess I should not be surprised, but I'm rarely up and out this early on a weekend, so it was pleasant to see so many bikers/runners/walkers along the Sammamish River Trail. It does get some good use - and not only people heading to the brewery.

A bit over two-houers later we "sailed" in through the front door. I had no problems continuing, but it is a bit boring running these distances out on the streets. Trails in the mountains might be more physically challenging, but it is easier on the psyche. The natural beauty just sort of keeps you going, and going, and going...

Nice run, but I still think wife was a bit mad at me since I could do it w/o any "real" effort. :-)

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