Saturday, August 11, 2007

HelliZh Run and a night at the MovieZ

Due to boat issues, we had to bail on the Steamboat Festival at the Center for Wooden Boats. That sort of sucks, but a rock is a rock is a rock, and with no marine shops carrying Volvo propellers, well, boat remained home. So did the family. Wife sleeping, me taking care of the backyard.

Until I mentioned that I'd take Phoebe for a walk. That eventually resulted in a small argument and getting dragged in (or out) for another 14 mile run. I was up for a different route, preferably with some "scenery", but wife was dead set on "no hills" (what does she think, this is the Pacific NorthWest with ONLY hills).

So, ended up taking the same (boring) route as Sunday. Sammamish River Trail. did not feel good but I was at least "fluid". Could have gone a bit faster - thanks to great music in my ears, a first! Wife was behind, but did keep up OK.

Home again it turned out we were about 15 minuters faster than last weekend, but wife complained and told me she "hated every minute" of the run. My comments were of course "I did not pick it" and "why did we not turn around?".

After a quick shower, a bite to eat, we put the camping chairs in the car and went down to Carillon Point for an outdoor showing of "Casino Royal", the latest bond movie (part of the outdoor summer movies, organized by HopeLink). We hit the parking just in time, and got pretty good spot for our chairs.

Sitting outside on a slightly chilly summer night, with a good flick and a comfy chair, well it does not really get better. The legs needed som rest and we both enjoyed the movie before going back home and hitting the sack.

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