Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Brother is HOME

Been from afar monitoring my brother's health by talking to him, chatting with family, and a few calls to the medical staff that were caring for him at the University Hospital in Gothenburg.

Since this is all in past tense, you can figure out that he was allowed to come home today. Due to the time difference, I have not been able to talk to them today, but got an e-mail from my sister-in-law and they are of course happy and relieved. Family's reunited! According to the doctor who released him, only about 5% of the ones that gets a brain hemmorrage is as lucky as he is. He's back home w/o any residual effects what-so-ever.

Probably the biggest surprise today was for Emil who was greeted on his 8th birthday by a dad back from the hospital! Needless to say, he was exstatic!!

Staffan will now just need to take it "calma" under some period going forward and see what he has the strength for and dares to to. Over two weeks laying in a hospital bed can drain the energy from anyone.

And, almost forgot: Sister-in-law started a blog out of what were the e-mails that kepts us all up to date on Staffans's progress (simply too many people called her asking the same thing - draining her enetgy and leaving no time for the kids).
Her blog can be found here, Laila's Blog

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