Friday, September 28, 2007

Roads and TranZit Package

Wow, suddenly, just a few weeks ahead of the election, things that have been quiet starts to heat up. Not too late I hope.

On the November Ballot is a gigantic measure that is referred to as the "Roads and Transit Package", RTP. Depending on who you ask, it is either a $18 Billion package, a $28 Billion package, a $57 Billion package, or a $157 Billion package. In any case, even the lowest number is $18,000,000,000 (yes, nine zeroes). A lot of money.

The legislature owes the public a fair and true estimate, and clearly explain how the ballot numbers are derived. A "what, when, how, and how much" before people can make a fair and educated decision and cross off either "yes" or "no" on the ballot.

I'm all for light rail, lots of it, but not at the enormous cost, and the huge time for construction. Elsewhere (Europe, Asia) projects of this type are built FASTER and for MUCH LESS money. Why not here? Personally, I believe it is due to poor management and lack of skilled workers! The long project times has an awkward effect on the over all cost and drives financing costs why past the actual construction costs. Sort of backwards, isn't it?

Totally neglecting to utilize the existing BNSF corridor on the Eastside is further proof that who ever came up with the "package", does not understand, or care, for the cost imposed on the tax payers. We could have functioning rail service in a 40+ mile corridor, serving major Eastside downtown communities, for what it would cost to build just a few miles of light rail. And, it could be done in a few years, not a few decades. Read more on Eastside Rail Now's web page.

Finally, a "Roads and Transit Package" that fails to FULLY FUND the SR520 bridge as well as the Alaskan Way "tunnel" is foolish and short sighted. We need both, and we need them today, not 25 years out.

A number of good articles/opinions surfaced this week:
Ron Sims opposing RTP
King 5 presentation
Seattle Times - Why Sims turned against "Roads & Transit"

A few good sites to read more and form opinions:
"NO Movement"
"Yes Movement"

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