Monday, September 03, 2007

New addiZion to the family

Got a brief e-mail from my brother. He just got a GIRL! Wow, a girl! I know they were hoping for one (after two boys) but did not know "what to expect".

In any case, here's a picture of the new arrival (51 cm och 2,380 grams, or about 20 inches and 5.2 lbs). Will talk to him first thing tomorrow morning to get the full scope.

1 comment:

  1. Lilla söta Emma är helt omedveten om att hon gör full reklam för Tvätteriet Alingsås (min arbetsgivare)...hela 3 logos kan man se på den bilden. =)
    Ska kolla med marknadschefen om vi kan få ersättning för "reklamen" ;-)


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