Saturday, May 26, 2007

HouZe is about to come down...

One of our elderly neighbors, Angie, was sort of forced out of her house last June. She was simply getting too old to care for herself and the house, and was to be better off in a retirement home.

Her house sold quickly (possibly too quickly and at too low of a price) and we've been anticipating the demolition for some time. Well, now it seems like it is getting very close and we are trying to find a good time to bring Angie back here before the house is gone. Should be any day.
In the place of Angie's small shack, built in the 1940ies, will soon tower an other Kirkland "box", this one coming in at some 5,500 sqf. Hopefully the developer is not only going for size but also style. Sort of a tough combination when their only mission these days seem to be maximizing the square footage on any given lot - w/o any consideration to the surroundings (as demonstrated in a new house up the street, totally out of place).

While scuttling around her yard, we managed to dig up some flowers and transplanted them over to our yard. With a little bit of rain (tomorrow?), they should do OK in their new location - given the dogs do not run them over before they are rooted.

Saturday was also spent edging the yard, then weeding, pulling English Ivy (considered a noxious weed in this part of the country), mowing and doing just additional yard cleanup. This time of year, everything is growing so fast so it is sort of fun to see how well stuff likes the area. The bamboo we planted last year looked dismal for the first few months, but now it has really taken off. I've been following the spreading roots. They are called "Rhizome", which sounds more like some newly concocted pharmaceuticals, than some old growing roots. Many are afraid of these "Rhizomes", that they will take over the yard, but we've got a corner where we are just happy if the bamboo thrives. But, in my plight of watching these rhizomes, I sort of missed the fact that some of the stems in the groove have just shot up to heaven. They must have grown well over 7 feet in just the past week. Amazing! Another 7 feet and we'll be very happy.
These bamboo grooves are a perfect hiding place for birds and they are, fully grown, a great screen against prying eyes.
(pictures coming soon)

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