Wednesday, September 13, 2006


About three weeks ago, Oskar, my furry Christmas gift of 2000, did not come home. We have had no signs of him since that Monday evening, and my guess is that he was taken by a coyote. Hope it was quick!

Oskar was an indoor/outdoor cat that always came in for the night. We tried when he was young to keep him strictly indoors, but it would just not work. He went nuts! Oskar enjoyed the time outside and was always sitting along the driveway, waiting when we came home, or hiding under the Japanese Maple, stalking the birds.
Although I know some will disagree, I strongly feel cats have a better life - albeit sometimes shorter - if they can enjoy themselves in the outdoors as well. Sometime it is not the length of life that counts, but how it is lived. Oskar lived a good life!

I was not ready for a new cat, any new animal, but today; a day after coming home from MI, hours after starting Nursing School, wife came home with a "box" containing a big black cat, Louie. I should have suspected something when it took five hours to drive the 10 miles from Bellevue to Kirkland.

I gave wife the silent treatment since I did not approve of how (yet another) animal was introduced to this house!

Louie is good cat though. Although it's only been a few hours, he seem to feel at home and has no problems with the dog, 10 times his size, or the other cats! Only the yorkie tries to make a point and cannot sit still when Louie walks down the hallway. This for sure will be an interesting time!

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