These three photos do not show any of the tribulations in getting one wife, one dog and who knows how many cats into the same room of the house in order to get a decent X-mas photo for this season. And truth to be told, we only tried with three cats since Willow would not have been happy in front of the camera this year. She was snoozing on her "perch" and when that happens, better not disturb the wild one...
Hence, better check the slide show...
All that said, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2011 !!!!
And to be totally honest, photos were not taken until after New Years, and not uploaded uploaded until the 6th of January, so if you feel you got shafted, don't take it personal - everyone did this year (again)...
Wife was sick before and throughout holidays but recovered somewhat for the New Year.
God Jul!