Friday, August 28, 2009

AmaZing Fly-over...

Just got back from walking the the dog. As we were talking to a neighbor up on the hill, a Korean Air 777 slowly passed overhead - very low altitude! Cool in itself, but this one was followed by TWO small (fighter?) jets tailing it just by the tailwings. Very cool scene.

Called one of the local news stations to report it, but in retrospect, it was likely just a photo shoot by Boeing, before the plane is delivered to Korean Air (since there's nothing on the news, nothing on the blogosphere, at least not yet).

And, did I carry the camera? No, of course not... Gotta buy that smallish Canon!

Update: According to reliable sources, it was all part of a Boeing golf event. More events like that, and I might even start to like golf (yeah, right)...


  1. Golf tournament flyover scares Eastside neighbors

    These companies don't understand (or perhaps care) about the reaction this kind of photo op garbage causes since 9/11/ Like the stupid Air Force One photo op over the Statue of Liberty earlier this year.

  2. Hi Per,
    Thanks for posting this. We had relatives over from England during that time and they saw this fly over too asked me if it was Air Force One!
    I told them I doubted it was, and that I didn't think Air Force One typically has a fighter escort.

    Thanks for clearing this up!




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