Surgery would have been an option but due to the very aggressive nature of mast -cell tumors, and the fact that he had his entire intestinal tract scarred, there were really no guarantees that an exhaustive procedure would yield the desired results.
In order not to risk him suffering and dying due to blockage in the urinary tract, wife made the very, very, tough decision yesterday to call the vet.
So today Dr. Hanna Ekstrom (actually a Swedish vet in Seattle) came home to us in the afternoon with her assistant Jennifer (and a red tool box). Over the next hour, they very, very peacefully laid Herbie to rest.
It was a tough day for Beth, but deep inside she knows she made the right decision, the right decision for little Herbie. A day like this little does it help to know that you just finished years of hard studies and ready to enter the next phase in life - when you have to "pull life support" on your best friend.
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