About two weeks ago, I dented my propeller badly while manouvering very gently down in the bay. BIG BUMMER!
Before heading up to the wedding in Winthrop, I sent an e-mail to the PropShop up in Mukilteo (where I incidentally bought my now broken propeller just two years ago) to inquire as to weather they had any rebuilds, used ones, or just a new propeller of the right size. Just wasn't that eager to shell out $$$ for a propeller - again!
Rick Sandstrom e-mailed me back a few days later, telling me that they had my size, on the shelf, ready for pick up, but no used ones in that size.
Given that I had some time today, I packed the dog in the car and moosied us all the way up to Mukilteo. Ended up in the Friday rush hour but still made it there in about 30 minutes. Could have been much worse...
First good news is that Rick determined he could easily repair my damaged propeller.
Second good news was that the propeller I needed was waiting for me, just to be picked up.
Before doing that, I asked him if I should go up in pitch (from my current 14x19 RH to a 14x21 RH) for my new propeller. I could then have one with a little bit more of torque (14x19), and one that would allow for a little bit better fuel economy and also higher speed (14x21). Of course he did not have that one in, so we decided to order one from Volvo. While filling out the papers, his colleague Rod emerges from the shop with an "almost" new propller with the exact dimensions we were looking for.
So, for less than the price of a brand new propeller, I am getting my old one (14x19) repaired, and an "almost" new one (14x21) as a second set up. Sweet package deal, and it should also push the top speed closer to 50 knots, while still - and much more important - allowing for better fuel economy while just "puttering around" the lake and the Sound.
I could have saved a few bucks and ordered a propeller on-line, but these guys are skilled local craftsmen and should be supported! On top of that, today they not only delivered great customer service, but also a great deal!
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