On a "wim" wife and I sort of decided to go to Portland and visit Helen and Chris. Since this was a weekend that really fit them well (kids "distributed" to various venues so house was sort of open), it was a quick decision.
It is all sort of fun. I've "known" Helen since sometime 1999, but never met her until she and husband Chris made it up to Seattle over Easter. We had far too little time together, so it was sort of agreed upon that we sometime should moosey on down to Portland and take care of the dinner we owed them.
Getting out of Seattle this Friday afternoon took some time, with I-5 southbound more or less congested all the way down to Chehalis. There the backsups suddenly evaporated. Sort of weird. No exits, no "less" amount of vehicles, but the "stall" just disappears. Someone better have done extensive studies on this.
In any case, we got to Portland a tad late, like around 10.30 PM. Helen and wife had planned on doing a short run (14+ miles) early on Saturday morning, so upon arrival, we had a beer, did the house tour, and chatted for some time. Wife went to bed, a bit later Chris got bored with "all the Swedes", and I sort ended keeping Helen up until at least 2.30 AM (not planned in order to give the family some running advantage, we just had a great chat into the "little hours").
Come Saturday morning, wife shakes me and asks if I'm joining them (the girls). I had planned for it, brought all the needed stuff, also knowing that Chris would pick "us" up as needed along the trail. But, after a few short moments of intense brain activity it was quickly decided that with less than 3 hours of sleep, the pillow felt much better!
Shortly thereafter, well sort of more than an hour later, someone bangs on the door and ask "are YOU coming?". It was Chris. It was now 7.30 and time to drive in to the "coffee shop" rendez-vous point (aka "end of trail") to collect the female members of the families.
A coffee shop that also allows dogs to be brought inside can only be described in one word: GREAT! Having excellent cinnamon rolls is just another excuse for being firmly planted in the couch. We ended up sitting there, sipping our javas until suddenly four all too fit women gathered up outside (in Chris' case, a "java" is more like a "super gulp" though).
Check these photos. Can you believe that they have just run not only 14 miles, but also the LONGEST distance anyone of them have run in years, maybe even in a life time (one of them with a stress fracture in the heel).
Back to the house for some bagels and breakfast, shower and getting ready for the highlight of the day; The Oregon Brewers Festival!
Sort of like the Seattle festivals, but this one had a good attribute. Beer was much cheaper! During the afternoon, the sun is also slowly breaking through what can only be referred to as a "marine layer", even though the term is not known in Oregon.
The event is nicely situated in downtown Portland along the Willamette River.
After sampling of brews, a dog walk along the waterfront and seeing the sun finally showing its full force, it was time to break up and go for some more serious stuff: Food AND Beer!
McMenamins/Edgefield winery is a small, or rather correct, large paradise for beverage lovers in Troutdale, just on the eastern outskirts of Portland. Even the wife liked the beer so much so she sent the wine back and asked for a brew - not a boad statement for a notorious wine "sipper"!
McMenamins is a destination that can not be described but has to be experienced. Closest comparison in Seattle would likely be compot with equal blends of Chateau S:t Michelle, Willows Lodge, and Redhook Brewery - but all situated on a dense "campus" in old and restored buildings (old looney bin?). Nothing that just has been "smacked up" to lure unknowing tourists.
Food was good, but service really sucked big time. Not the fault of our waitress, she just had too many plates (literally) to tend to. As it is most times, a management problem, not the individual contributor.
We ended the evening with a screening of "Team America" and those of us who stayed awake had a great time.
Sunday was off to a slow start. Tea and bagels, and then out to Cafe Delirium for the morning's "super gulp" of Mocha. Heading eastbound along the Columbia River Highway, we stopped at the Sandy River to give Phoebe a well deserved swim (she's been an angel this weekend) and continuing on to the Vista House and Multnomah Falls.
Our great weekend in Portland ended at an old traditional restaurant (name's passing me by) overlooking the Sandy River. Chicken, Baby Back Ribs and dumplings. Can it be more home cooking than so?
Helen and Chris; thanks for a great weekend and thanks for opening up your house also to the "big horse" (aka Phoebe).
We eventually took the long way home heading east along the Columbia River and then north from Carson (backside of Mount S:t Helens). Did the mistake of "chicken out and cutting out" to I-5 and - again - getting stuck in backups that started somewhere near Chehalis (what is it with that town?), instead of continuing on the small and winding forest roads until Randle. Oh well...
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