Sunday, December 03, 2006

Christmas LightZ...

Last year I promised myself to NEVER - ever - put up (beautiful) icicle lights again! They are just too much hassle to warrant the end result.

Well, I almost kept my promise. Light decorations this year are a bit more low key, and a few strands of last year's of icicle lights ended up in the garbage (DOAs). But did eventually decide to put up one strand on the railing by the front doors. Once up, of course 2/3s of it was dead, aaaargh! Down again, up with the last known good strand, and voila! It works! So, this will be the small and slow departure from the tradition of decorating with icicle lights.

Why might someone ask? Well, even if you take time to orderly take them down and store them, they still seem to be tangled up once they are to be used. And when it comes to the "icicles", they defy gravity and hang in all other directions then down. Furthermore, troubleshooting these lights is more work than it is worth. So, no more!

But we finally have seen LED lights come out on the market, and this year also first time at a reasonable price. As long there is mechanical contact in a strand, the LEDs should work year after year. On top of that, they are much more energy efficient so we're not going to provide any additional heat for the crows. But LEDs is for next year when rood and gable are "done" and we can have fixed "anchors" for the light strands. Should speed up and facilitate the "hanging of the lights" and possibly also get the wife out to help...

1 comment:

  1. Let me know when Beth is out there on the ladder hanging lights...I've got to see that in person!!!


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