This morning wife was to go in for a short meeting at work. She decided to bring the dogs since "Andrea" wanted to meet them. Afterwards a drive over to the park was planned.
Just after 7AM, as I lay half-asleep in bed, my final words to the departing "party" are; "Do NOT take the dogs to the park (King County's Edith Moulton Park).
Around noon, still no wife and no dogs. I thought the meeting was just an hour, but I could be mistaken. As I enjoy a cup of coffee in the kitchen, garage door opens up and wife comes up the stairs, GUILT over her face, followed by a small yorkie and much later, a half-drugged dog that does not even acknowledge me. She (dog) just walks, or stumbles, over to her chair and feels asleep. On her right foot is a colorful bandage. I like the pink color, do not object to dogs having colorful bandages, it even looks good, but dogs rarely carry these bandages because of looks (although wife never stops to surprise me on that point).
Turns out the "party of three" went to "the PARK", dog ran off leash, stepped in some glass and almost sliced her pad off her right foot. Wife takes dog to veterinary clinic. Dog is put to sleep, pad is cleaned and stitches (four) are applied. Dogs is given a "wake me up" shot and is at least able to limp.
Later that night we replace bandage and one can see it is a bad laceration. Close she almost lost her entire pad.
BAD Wife!
Why does wife always have to take dogs/cats, or do to dog/cats, things that husbands tells wife is "no good". I have said for years that this park in particular is "no good", even though the animals love to run and rump there. It is dirty (tons of glass) and only really accessible by trespassing through a defunct apartment complex (wife used to live there before being kicked out).
Poor DOG!
This dog, one of the happier and more active dogs around, is now ordered to be still, sleep, and just not walk too much on her foot for the next two weeks. How the h-ll do you keep a large dog from not walking when you take dog out to do its duty? I guess I am to learn more since I'll be home (alone) with big dog for the next week when wife travels to Michigan.
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