With a day that can only be described as PERFECT, we pulled in to the marina late last night. Friends in town from out of state, first time I've seen them in years. What could be better than "taking on water" and showing them Seattle from the "other side"?
Some minor issues with carburators delays departure, but once out on the lake, engine is running better than ever. Smooth "sailing" along the shores. Does a run past Bill Gates' house (Annie desperately wanted to see it) and then over towards MontLake. No wake, no wind, and the lake is as smooth as a mirror.
Checking out the house boats along Lake Union before heading for the locks. Only two boats ahead of us and less than a 5 minute wait. Wonder what the sound will look like?
Out there, it is just as nice as the lake. No winds, no wake, and just some smooth and tall waves from a passing ship. Fun roller coaster ride!
We hit Bell Harbor Marina and find a guest spot on the "reservation". $10 for 4 hours is not that bad. Meet up with friends and family at Marriott (within a stone's throw) for a sunny and lazy happy hour with snacks and beer.
Before departing, and picking up another crew member, a pass by Marriott's "lounge" to get some freshly baked cookies and fruit. Fear the time is a tad late for a safe passage back, but turns out it could not be better. Wind has picked up a tiny bit, but just to provide more of a salty breeze (so different compared to boating on fresh water) and also to give us a clear view of Mt. Rainier. No wait at the locks and the ride back home across the lake is as good as the ride out. Back "home" around 10PM and it is still HOT, with really no relief stepping in to the water. Can a Kirkland evening really be any better than this?
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