Over a glass of red, I got a few minutes with Dr. Blix, commending him on his work for "detent" and disarmament specifically and world peace in general. A really nice guy (well, he is actually 79, maybe gentleman would better suit him...) and I feel sad that I never sort of paid any attention to him until my time in Texas when he was the face of the IAEA and later head of the UN WMD inspections team in Iraq. He has had a very long career in both the Swedish Foreign Office, as well at UN "before" Iraq. But I guess that that's the way they work most efficiently, in the quiet, in the background, never getting any recognition until they sort of retire - and then it all comes at once, proven by a large number of standing ovations tonight.
Apart from a very interesting lecture, very fitting the culture and general approch of people here in the Pacific NorthWest (where neither support for Bush or any Iraq - or Iran - war is very strong), he also pulled of a few good jokes, and a some memorable phrases, most notable probably being:
"The United Nations is not there to take us to heaven, but to help us avoid going to hell." (Dag Hammarsköld)
So apart from a nice dinner buffet, a nice one-on-one chat with Dr. Hans Blix, a good lecture, most amazing was probably to see how increadibly well respected he is (a true Statesman) and how highly his work is regarded here in the U.S. He is likely more of an international "superstar" here, outside his native Sweden.
In any case, an evening when you're proud of being Swedish!
And, almost forgot. First fall storm hit just as we were leaving home. Camera in the car, I took this picture crossing the SR-520 bridge. You could actually feel the shaking when up at the East highrise. Down on the pontoons, it was pretty smooth, but it looks sort of weird. Such a contrast between the south (angry) and north side (calm and relaxed). No windsurfers out today, though they normally have a field day during these few storm events.